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Siân Morgan

10 February 2025

Vice Principal Academics & IB Diploma Programme Coordinator at UWC Atlantic College

“UWC Atlantic offers a truly unique educational experience, which I was lucky enough to experience firsthand as a scholarship student. I feel incredibly privileged to have been given the opportunity to further fulfil my UWC mission here at UWC Atlantic. I believe in empowering students and staff to lead their own development and am excited to be part of such a passionate and inspiring team, striving together to deliver a world-class education and future-proof pedagogy.”

Siân grew up in South Wales and is an alumna of UWC Atlantic. After studying English and Philosophy at Leeds University, Siân returned home to Wales and has almost 20 years of experience in teaching - including roles as leader of PSE & student voice, lead practitioner & learning coach, head of faculty and assistant headteacher for learning, teaching, curriculum & assessment - as well as undertaking a two-year iNet Innovation Fellowship. Siân lives on campus with her daughters, Maia and Aria. As a Welsh learner herself, she is keen to deepen the college’s connections with the local community and culture.